COASTAL ENGINEERING: Maritime climate (waves, currents, tides…), Studies of agitation and wave propagation, Coastal dynamics, Sediment transport, Morphodynamics of beaches and evolution of the coast, Regeneration of beaches, Calculation of coefficients and oceanographic parameters. SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT: Water quality studies, Bionomic studies, Geological and sedimentological studies, Topographic and bathymetric studies.// ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Environmental Diagnosis, Environmental Feasibility Studies, Environmental Assessment Studies.// COASTAL MANAGEMENT: Integrated coastal zone management, Preparation of plans for the management and management of marine protected areas (MPAs), Environmental baseline survey, Coastal management plans, Coastal management plans, Participatory workshops and catchment.

EDUCATION AND DISSEMINATION: Training activities, Dissemination and awareness campaigns, Workshops and days of environmental awareness / dissemination, University extension courses / summer, Presentations at congresses and articles in scientific journals.// RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION: Participation in R&D&I projects: Water quality, Renewable energies, Desalination, Marine discharges, Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM).

Certificaciones ISO 9001, ISO 14001
C.N.A.E. 7112
Información adicional Environmental consultant specialized in carrying out coastal and oceanographic engineering studies in the marine environment. ELITTORAL aims to become a reference consultancy, national and international, in services in the marine field, maintaining a continuous growth, enabling the development of the professional skills of our team. OUR VISION: To update, expand and transform knowledge in the marine field into value for society, always in pursuit of sustainable development. In our daily work we respond to professional challenges always attending to the values of: quality in service, customer service, updated knowledge, creativity and innovation in proposals and responsibility in technical solutions.