ECOS is a consultancy that offers environmental advisory services, coastal engineering and R&D, both in the marine environment, our specialization, and on land. *Projects of planning, environmental of the territory. * Planning, management and monitoring of protected areas. *Environmental impact assessments. *Surveillance plans. *Eco-cartographic studies. *Water quality studies. *Sediment studies, *Taxonomic studies. *Bathymetric studies, *Geophysical studies, *Underwater inspection *Environmental sampling *Hydrodynamic studies and modelling, *Substance dispersion studies and modelling *Spill simulation *Maritime climate studies *Coastal dynamics. *Design of emissaries *Sedimentation of beaches and coastal dynamics *R+D+I

CIF B35964337
C.N.A.E. 7219
Información adicional ECOS ENVIRONMENT. The Environment division is part of the core of ECOS. Since its inception all the works and developments have taken into account the evaluation and minimization of impacts and the conservation of resources, both in the marine environment, our specialization, and in the terrestrial one. ECOS WATER. Water is and will be the guiding thread of life, development, progress. Obtaining water from salt water and managing our waste through landfills is part of the lines of work that the Water Division develops. All aimed at improving the quality of life and being more efficient in the use of our resources. ECOS ENERGY. In recent years, the development of projects related to wind energy has allowed us to grow in this sector, working with large companies we strive to eliminate their impact, reducing their ecological footprint and making them more sustainable. COASTAL ENGINEERING. From the development of numerous works related to the coastal sector, we have carried out various projects related to coastal engineering, such as design projects of natural farms, maritime work, submarine emissaries,..., always taking into account the environmental component and sustainability. ECOSTEC. R&D is our passion, we use research and development to improve our services, based on our experience and knowledge. In this sense, we have been coordinators of research projects at European level, developing innovative technology to minimize the environmental impact of offshore aquaculture or the impact of brine discharges. We are a consultancy that offers environmental advisory services, coastal engineering and R&D, both to companies and public bodies. Founded in 2007, we believe in sustainable development, in the balance between the conservation of our ecosystems and natural resources with development, this being our starting point, both for consulting services, and for the research projects we develop, always focused on eliminating impacts and improving the environment. This vision and our search for excellence has allowed us to grow both in the regional and national market, as well as internationally, investing in Research and Development, to offer the best innovative solutions to our customers ECOS is formed by an interdisciplinary team of engineers and graduates in different branches of science, which gives us a broad vision of the different environmental problems and solutions.