WET Ingeniería Hidráulica y Marítima, S.L.U.
At WET Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering S.L.U. (WET), we get involved with our clients to face their challenges together, striving to understand their needs and offer them useful, precise and rigorous advice with the aim of generating lasting professional relationships based on commitment and trust.
WET is a consulting company that provides maritime and hydraulic engineering services for the drafting of studies, projects and technical reports such as:
- Studies of maritime climate and coastal dynamics.
- Port unrest studies.
- Hydrodynamic studies.
- Discharge dilution study.
- Beach regeneration project.
- Maritime infrastructure project.
- Flood studies.
- Dam safety analysis.
- Dam exploitation rules.
- Bathymetries.
- Side scan sonar.
- Geophysicists with CHIRP profiler.
- Electrical tomography.
WET’s professional team is highly qualified to carry out the tasks with the performance required to satisfy the client’s needs.